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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  July 19, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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>> i'm jon kelley. breaking news this morning. at this hour over 160 detectives from 30 different law enforcement agencies conducting the largest child porn sweep ever in northern california. nbc is riding along with police and he is literally outside one of those suspect's homes in san jose. damien, what are you seeing and what is the vibe and the energy? >> reporter: right now investigators are inside this home the northwest side of san jose and doing their forensics testing on some of the hard drives and thumb drives and whatever they can find that might get them more evidence. they did arrest one person here at this home. we shot video of that a half hour ago. he is 44-year-old valentine height. i asked him if he had any kind of child pornography in his home and he declined to answer. 30 agencies involved in this and
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165 agents. let me bring in a police officer with the san francisco police department and, sergeant, how difficult are some of the images you've seen? how difficult are they to look at? >> they are extremely difficult. we are talking about the sexual assault, the rape of very young children, sometimes, 3, 4 years old and run across videos of the rape of infants and terrible images and difficult to deal with. >> reporter: you're going across the state. you've done this throughout the state. >> we have done it focused on the bay area. the task force focuses on the 11 bay area counties and today we are working in the san jose area mainly and trying to focus our evident nearby. >> the effort is make sure the suspects don't act upon the images they see? >> that is correct. studies have shown up to 85% of people who view child porn on a regular basis will then become
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what we call hands-on molesters. we stop them by arresting child pornography. >> thank you, sergeant. he will go back in and look over some of the evidence on morrell avenue and serving search warrants in 19 other homes in san jose and in the rest of the county. for now, live in san jose, i'm damien trujillo. san jose city crews moving into kelly park removing campers. homeless people have been warned the deadline is to leave and the city is making sure those evicted have a place to go. >> i have a motel to go to and they are going to help me with housing. to get into an apartment. so i'm looking forward to that. when i leave here, i'll be going straight to a motel.
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>> the evictions come on the heels of several fires in that park last week that the city suspects were started in those homeless xamps. lopez is back in the bay area and in the spotlight defending her husband suspended san francisco sheriff mercoremi. she is testifying in hopes to help get her husband his job back. live at city hall is christie smith. >> everybody is wondering how she would describe the domestic dispute with her husband and she is testifying it wasn't very explosive at all. we have spoken with a legal expert who says her challenge is explaining a video about this incident and not trying very hard to help her husband, the suspended sheriff who is fighting to keep his job. lopez only testified for about 40 minutes last night.
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neighbors said in declaration that she said her husband was yelling at her and violently grabbed her arm on new year's eve and she videotaped a bruise on her arm with a neighbor and she said she asked that neighbor about custody laws and said if she divorced them she might lose custody of their young son because he was the sheriff. lopez told the commission, though, the fight wasn't big. >> he say profanities. >> yeah. >> but one sentence is the only thing he said. he said don't talk to me that way. >> reporter: lopez says that her husband did grab her arm and leave a bruise. she is testifying on her husband's what have and our legal experts say to that end there are a few things she might want to do. >> if she tells it like it is and she stays on message and say i'm a strong woman and stand up for myself, he made a mistake, we are back on track as a family, all that is going to go a long way, i think, with this
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commission. >> reporter: so the commissioners have a tough job here. they have to sort it all out and then make a recommendation to the board of supervisors who then will have to decide whether or not he gets to keep his job. lopez is expected back here to testify after 5:00 this evening. a road rage crash could lead to charges for a man whose speeding car struck a mother and her two children standing on the street corner. fremont police say two drivers got into an argument and began speeding toward the index at peralta and fremont boulevard where joseph arsi hit a curb and slammed into a mother and kids. witnesses say the baby's stroller was crushed. the mom and her 3-year-old son have been relieved from the hospital. the girl kept overnight for observation. police say the man will likely face charges for reckless
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driving. a crime caught on camera has the peninsula police asking for your help this morning. police say the man stole jewelry and electronics from a home on sixth avenue in belmont yesterday afternoon. this is video of the suspect captured on a neighbor's video camera. he returns with suitcase in toe. police say he drives a two-door mercedes with large crime rims. if you know of this man, police call the police. a missing silicon valley man may be carrying a handgun. this is a picket of matthew tavion who left work in mountain view for lunch last thursday and he has been missing ever since. he is a french citizen living in the u.s. here's what we know. he has no known medical conditions. but his passport is missing. he may be in possession of a glok .9 millimeter handgun. if you know his whereabouts call
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the police department. family members for 18-year-old allen blueford are gathering in front of the alameda county coroner's office right now and demanding the release of the coroner's report and they also want the officer who shot blueford fired and prosecuted. blueford was shot and killed after allegedly pointing a weapon at officers who were trying to arrest him in may. this week, a sheriff's deputy is called a hero for saving a little baby's life. san mateo sergeant was four blocks away when he got a phone call of a 1-year-old who was not breathing. antonio had gone into a seizure on sunday during a backyard barbecue at his north fair's oaks home. when the officer arrived he flipped the boy on the stomach and patting him on his back. antonio happily started breathing again and his parents say, yes, elzi is a hero.
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>> people say you're a hero. i don't consider myself a hero. i am doing my job and doing what i'm supposed to be. >> translator: here's a hero. he saved my son's life and i thank him for that. >> sunday was the officer's birthday and he says he can't think of a better gift than saving a young baby's life. >> gifts all around there. >> yeah. meteorologist christina loren is joining us to talk about the forecast. the weekend is close. >> so close! friday eve, tomorrow, we get to go home and sleep in on saturday! we are going to have some pretty good sleeping in weather. you might be turning on your a.c. because your overnight conditions looking a little bit warm as we head inland into the upcoming weekend. so you probably been able to give your ac a rest the past week. it's comfortable today. things have changed. this marks our warming trend and
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i cannot sit on this picture long enough because it's so beautiful out there! we're in the 60s. is it warm in san francisco? than it is in san jose. 6 degrees with the sunshine in there. we're at 65 in san jose. weather headlines tell the story. 3 to 5 degrees warmer this afternoon and 90s return as we head into friday and then we get better beach weather as we head into the upcoming weekend. summer sizzle stays and mon sunal moisture creeping up in the south and take a look at the beaches coming up. >> sounds like a good one for the sunglasses and sunblock. >> lots of it. >> look forward to it. thank you. still ahead at 11:00, the parents of trayvon martin react to comments made by the man who shot and killed their son. what they had to say about george zimmerman. a judge says a man who stripped down buck naked at an airport on his way to san jose is not guilty. we will tell you why he is getting away with getting nude. plus new crime fighters in sacramento protecting your data online.
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and eggs at the paapple store i we will take a look coming up.
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only on nbc the patients of trayvon martin are reacting to glorg zimmerman's first television interview skins he killed the unarmed teenager in february. zimmerman telling fox news it was all god's plan. that was his response when asked about the night he shot and killed the 17-year-old. zimmerman is sticking to his story he react in self-defense and also saying i'm not a racist and i'm not a murderer, unquote. despite saying he had no regrets, zimmerman looks directly at the camera to clarify. >> i'm sorry that this happened. i hate to think because of this incident, because of my actions, it's polarized and divided america and i'm truly sorry. >> speaking exclusively to matt lauer on the "today" show this
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morning, martin's parents say they are not buying that apology. >> first and foremost, he had no regards for trayvon's life and he didn't -- he don't regret taking trayvon's life. had george zimmerman stayed in his vehicle, trayvon would be with us today. >> zimmerman is out on bond and pled not guilty to second-degree murder. a fact that california that the strictest privacy laws in the entire nation and scott mcgrew says a brand-new law enforcement is there to back it up. >> with the new technologies available, the attorney general created a new police force of sorts to enforce the privacy laws. six prors will be working on everything from hackers to health record privacy to paparazzi. california takes personal privacy so seriously it's in our state's constitution. but violations are usually punished in civil courts,
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someone leaks your health records and you sue. under harris's new plan there would be more enforcement in criminal court. you can still sue, but the state would do its best to put the same guy in jail. ford said a short time ago its new escape has a fuel line problem that could cause it to catch fire. saying drivers of this particular model should not drive them at all. instead, call your dealer. ford says your dealer will come to you with a loaner car and take your car to the repair shop. i posted more information about it at apple hoping tomorrow's release of its newest ipad goes better than this. last winter's release of the iphone. riots broke out and stores were eggs after crowds too bigging to manage. apple stopped sales of the phones to manage it. apple hopes a new reservation system will help keep crowds calm and happy for friday's ipad release. google reports its profits today. a money making machine. what we are looking for on the
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conference call is any reaction to the loss of marisa mayer who left to become yahoo! has's new ceo and we wish her well and the standard pr stuff which we have already heard. something a bit more interesting than that. >> scott, thanks so much. the naked truth. an oregon man on his way to san jose who stripped nude at portland's airport security has been found not guilty of indecent exposure. a judge ruled his act was that of protest and protected speech. brennan arrived at the airport in april intending to take a trip to the south bay. when he reached the gate he chose to go through the alternative metal detector rather than go through the airport's body scanners. when an agent said he detected nitrate on the gloves he used to inspect brennan, brennan took his clothes off to prove he was not a terrorist.
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>> protect his speech? we want to protect our eyes. fog rolling into the brentwood neighborhood tonight. we are not talking about christina loren's forecast but the county spraying for mosquitoes to prevent the spread of west nile virus. the trucks will roll through the areas near sandcreak parkway and independence streets and brentwood boulevard. a total of four birds have been infected with that virus and found in pleasant hill and nyson. so far no one has been infected this year, but the county points out you should always check your property for any kind of standing water that is where mosquitoes often hatch. the heat drought will soon be hitting you at the grocery store. a new report from the department of agriculture this morning says the cost of a gallon of milk could rise by 10 to 15 cents by august. and by another quarter by december. the report predicts milk and cheese prices will rise first
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and corn and meat prices are not far behind. all that tough weather out there in the midwest not helping that cause. farmers struggling here. time to check in with christina loren. what is happening with our weather for thursday? >> you got it right about the farmers out there struggling. it's a give and take situation. we are going to get the hot weather now and they will cool off so i'm sure a lot of on the east coast happy with that news. a great day shaping up. spectacular. especially if you're someone who has been waking up at the coast with gray conditions that hold on all day long. that sunshine is out in full force. all across the bay area coastline. good morning. taking a live look at san jose. this is a little blown out here but what i can tell you it's nice and sunny in san jose. we have a lot of sunshine on the way for the weekend and much warmer weather. take a look at your pg&e bill probably saving money there and how about a trip to the beach this weekend? we are expecting temperatures in the 70s and maybe 80 degrees in
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santa cruz and 75 right now. that's right now at 75 degrees there. 65 san jose. and 67 in san francisco. so what happens is when you get all of that sunshine right at the coast, you actually get warmer in san francisco than some of your inland cities. doesn't typically happening but it is happening today in bringson. a beautiful beach weather. a live look at your satellite imagery showing you where the clouds off. off the coast of marin county not obstructing your perfect sunny view overhead. temperatures today nice and comfortable. upper 70s in los gatos and 77 in redwood city and 72 in san francisco. had to bring your high temperature up with all of that sunshine coming in and 80 in san jose. low pressure starts to head off to the east as we head throughout the day today. that means high pressure can move in and it's going to build in fast. temperatures are going to spike into the 90s as of tomorrow and we're going to hold on to that warmer weather. summer-like weather which we have been lacking for the most part this month as we head this
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weekend and for most of next week as well. just deal with low cloud cover tomorrow and not hang out that long and clear out about 11:00 when you're back here at 11:00. 91 by friday. mid-90s for the weekend. back to you guys. >> thank you. at 11:00, a bay area woman with a significant role at the london olympic games but the athletes really don't want to see her that often and we will tell you why. why an olympic gold medalist will not be defending is his title in london. we will be right back.
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the road to the london games continue and, today, well, defending olympic champion in tennis rafael nadal will not compete in the london games.
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nadal looking beat up lately and supposed to be spain's flag bearer. he won that singles title in the 2008 beijing olympics but he has not played since his recent loss in the second round at wimbledon. nadal says he wasn't quite in condition to be competing in london and he will not be traveling with the spanish delegation to participate at all even in the ceremonies. nadal suffering from reoccurring knee problems recently and that has not been good. >> too bad for him. >> i can't. from the athletes to coaches to referees, there's no shortage of bay area talent representing team usa in the olympics and that includes medical talent. >> cal's former head team physician is team usa medical officer and as chris sanchez reports it's a title that takes as much training and dedication as a lot of those olympic athletes. >> hi! how are you? >> i'm okay. >> i'm dr. chang. >> reporter: dr. cindy chang is a ball of movers and always on
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the run. >> i think my parents blessed me with good gene. full of energy. >> reporter: dr. chang of berkeley sees students at cal's health services center. >> most of your pain is here? >> reporter: she was the head team physician from 1995 to 2008 when she resigned to spend more time with her husband and two kids and it is her commitment to her family that made her hesitate when offered the job of a lifetime. >> initially, the phone call came and i didn't accept right away. >> reporter: as chief medical officer for the paraolympics in beiji beijing, she knew the pressure of this job but when the family gave their acceptance, she accepted. >> it's like we have been training for this role as well. >> reporter: for the role as chief medical officer, the doctor will oversee a team of 80 providing care for more than 500 athletes, including dozens of current and former cal athletes,
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many of whom she has already treated. >> i don't see when you're injured or hurt because you're not going to get injured or hurt but just come by and say hello. >> reporter: at the elite level, injuries are inevitable and the doctor is ready for the challenge. >> at the olympic level, the pressure is on to get them back and back quickly and safely. >> reporter: it's dr. chang's skill in sports medicine that could prove just as vital as any athletic ability for usa athletes. >> all right. see you in august. >> bye. >> we will be right back.
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rise into the position and not what you probably would see on "soul train." but i am sure they are trying their best. >> thanks for being with us. have a great day. [ male announcer ] if you think any battery will do,
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it locks i(woman) for up to 10 years that's a wrap.aranteed. monday's call time is 9:00 am. have a good weekend, everybody. good show, liz lemon! you coming to the after-after party. we have after-after parties? [blues music playing] ♪ hey, i'm steven! hi, sven! i'm liz. yo, lemon! you comin' to the after-after-after party? sure. i'm tracy's new business manager. he gave me tickets to see the show. oh, cool. let's blow this joint! it's about to turn back into a taxi dispatch center. you going to the after- after-after-after party? okay. well, let's rock. [horn honking] 2-1-2, 5-5-5--


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